Monday, October 27, 2008


Louis Gakumba

Pain and cries of pain
Eyes and ears of men

Silence is a calm ocean
Its anger raises the deep water
Blowing gently like Katrina
Sweeping things with passion
Yet, silence mutes a siren

Silence, burns the brain like a brand
Silence, chili in an open wound
Silence, flows slow like burning lava
Silence, bursts a blown heart of tears
Silence, screams into the ragged edges of rape

I am your silence--
My voice is sharp like a blade
Slicing your throat with a smiling face

Silence, sand in a dry throat
Silence, the eternity of a woman in labor
Silence, a closed box of anger
Silence, a needle in a woman’s breast
Silence, a blanket over a cobra

Silence, the voice of the unsaid

Pain and cries of pain
Unsaid unheard unknown

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